Drodzy przyjaciele!
Our company invites you to visit the 30th International specialized exhibition of car service and after-sales service of cars “AutoTechService 2023“, which will be held on May 30 – June1 at the International Exhibition Center at:
Ukraina, Kijów, prospekt Brovarskiego 15
Our exposition will be located in Booth number 2-11.
Here we will discuss and explain our solutions and collaborate. The main issue will be what more can we offer to service current pressing needs. Dedicated to bring solutions to all diesel equipment.
Aby otrzymać darmowy bilet, należy zgłosić się do OUSD, by registering in advance https://avtoexpo.ua/ats/registration
Więcej informacji o wystawie: http://www.ats-expo.com.ua/en-GB/
Będzie nam miło zobaczyć Państwa na naszym stoisku!